Who We Are

ANA is an advocate group for all aviation forces in the US Navy, US Marine Corps, and US Coast Guard.
The only requirement for membership is to be interested in naval aviation. We have membership throughout the US, in the UK, France, Italy, Australia, Malta and several other countries. Complete a Membership Application if you are interested in joining. In addition to individual members, the Association of Naval Aviation has more than 60 squadrons which meet regularly to interface with active duty personnel, tour military facilities and ships, and hear presentations from key members of the military establishment.
The squadrons have two functions: First to support naval aviation and inform the general public about the magnificent job being done by the men, women and equipment of naval aviation; secondly, to share in the camaraderie and excitement of being connected to naval aviation.
Click here for a complete list of the locations of all the squadrons.
August 2018
Guest Speaker for the August 2018 luncheon of the Hampton Roads Squadron held at the NAS Oceana Dam Neck Annex was CDR Thomas Hoyt, Commanding Officer, Strike Fighter Weapons School, Atlantic. He briefed attendees on the functions of his command which teaches advanced weapons and tactics training to Atlantic fleet F/A-18 Hornet and F/A-18 Super Hornet squadron aircrews. CDR Hoyt graduated from the TOPGUN Adversary course in December 2016 and reported to Strike Fighter Weapons School, Atlantic as executive officer n January 2017 and assumed command in April of this year. He has accumulated over 2,800 flight hours and over 600 carrier-arrested landings. Hampton Roads Skipper Rick Rudell presents Hoyt with a Oceana history book, “Mud Flats to Master Jet Base”. (Photo by Harry Gerwien)
June 2018
Members of the Hampton Roads Association of Naval Aviation attended the Battle of Midway Ceremonies at the Virginia Beach Aviation Memorial on June 7, 2018.
May 2018
RADM Paul A. Sohl, USN, COMOPTEVFOR and N.C. State NROTC Midshipman Emily Stoops were HRANA Squadron guests at the May luncheon. Standing beside them is Squadron CO Rick Rudell.
January 2018
Guest speakers for the January luncheon of the Hampton Roads Association of Naval Aviation at NAS Oceana/Dam Neck Annex were four Landing Signal Officers (Paddles) from different commands who provided an “Update from the Platform” presentation. They took turns discussing the current triumphs and challenges from VT through Fleet Operations that included how Precision Landing Modes has fundamentally changed the game, and will have lasting effects on how we conduct business and qualify pilots. From left, LCDR Greg “Cinder” Blok, CVW-8 Paddles; LCDR Ronnie “Teacup” Stahl, CNATRA Paddles; CDR Bryan Roberts, OIC LSO School and LCDR Jaime “Eeyore” Marino, CNAL Paddles. (Photo by Harry Gerwien)
September 2017
Hampton Roads ANA Squadron CO, Rick Rudell, and Bob Foster place a wreath on the Flame of Hope at NAS Oceana on Sept. 19 during POW/MIA ceremonies. The Flame of Hope monument was conceived in 1972 in a project coordinated by Attack Squadron 43. The Flame of Hope, a continuous reminder of those who were killed or remain missing in Vietnam, must never be forgotten. Guest speaker for the event was the NAS Oceana Commanding Officer, CAPT Richard Meadows.
May 2017
Members of the Hampton Roads ANA Squadron participated in Memorial Day ceremonies May 29 at the Tidewater Veterans Memorial in Virginia Beach by placing a wreath at the memorial. Virginia Beach Mayor William Sessoms, Jr. , Congressman Scott Taylor and the Mayor’s Veterans Committee hosted the annual ceremony on May 29 at noon. This annual event pays tribute to the men and women of the armed forces “who gave their all.” Members placing the wreath include Mike Rohlf , Judy Ready, Laura Rohlf, Tom Poluciec, Carroll Bains, Rick Rudell and John Hogan. (Photo by Harry Gerwien)
CDR Martin Weyenberg, Commanding Officer, VFA-106 , was guest speaker at the May luncheon of the HRANA squadron, is presented a Oceana history book, “Mud Flats to Master Jet Base”, from CAPT Jim Joyner, USN (ret) CO of the Hampton Roads squadron. CDR Weyenberg provided a presentation on squadron challenges and a look at deployment scenarios. His deployments have included activities in support of Operation Enduring Freedom, Iraqi Freedom, New Dawn, Inherent Resolve and Western Pacific operations. His most recent shore duty assignment was to USSOCOM’s Interagency Task Force where he was assigned to the National Counterterrorism Center where he worked U. S. whole-of-government counterterrorism policy, strategy and plans. Strike Fighter Squadron 106, also known as the “Gladiators”, mission is to train Navy and Marine Corps F/A-18 Replacement Pilots and Weapons Systems Officers to support fleet commitments. The luncheon was held at the NAS Oceana/Shifting Sands Club in Virginia Beach.
March 2017
During ceremonies on March 29, 2017 at the Naval Air Station Oceana Officers’ Club eight aviators received patches from the fleet squadrons they will call home for the next three years after completing a 39-week training syllabus in the FA-18 Hornet and Super Hornet at Strike Fighter Squadron One-Zero-Six (VFA-106.
The ceremony included seven USN and 1 USMC officers who, once their names were called, waited until their new squadron claimed them with the presentation of a squadron patch. CAPT Joyner presented each aviator with a free one year subscription to the ANA magazine, Wings of Gold (WOG). (Troy Snead)
Participants left to right: CAPT Jim Joyner, USN (Ret) Commanding Officer, HRANA, LTJG Luke Nowlin (VFA-11), LTJG Chris Fowler (VFA-143), LTJG Bobby Ward (VFA-103), LTJG Dan Wilkinson (VFA-103), LT Steve Harry (VFA-131), lstLT Christopher O’Neil VMFA-115), LTJG Frank Goldstein (VFA-11) and LTJG Amanda Lee (VFA-81) and CDR Martin Weyenberg, Commanding Officer, VFA-106). (Photo by Harry Gerwien)
CAPT Marc Miguez, Commander, Carrier Air Wing Three, was guest speaker at the March 2017 luncheon meeting of the Hampton Roads Association of Naval Aviation held at the NAS Oceana’s Dam Neck Annex in Virginia Beach, VA. He briefed HRANA members on the markup of the air wing and operations during the seven-month deployment onboard the USS Dwight D. Eisenhower (CVN-69). CVW-3 is one of the oldest air wings in the Navy initially commissioned on Sept 25, 1943. CAPT John Allen, USN (Ret) center, presented CAPT Miguez with a NAS Oceana history book following the presentation, also attended by CAG member LCDR Sung Nguyen. (Photo by Troy Snead)
November 2016
HRANA Squadron CO CAPT Jim Joyner USN (Ret.) and CDR Bryan “RJ” Roberts (O-IN-C LSO School) at the HRANA Squadron November luncheon.
“RJ” is deeply involved in the development of PLM, Precision Landing Mode, aka “Magic Carpet” the latest and greatest method of landing Navy aircraft aboard CVN’s.
He is one of a small handful fully qualified individuals preparing the fleet in both theory and execution of PLM.
August 2016
Guest speaker for the August luncheon of the Hampton Roads Association of Naval Aviation Squadron was ADM Bill Gortney USN (Ret), former Fleet Forces Commander and who recently retired as Commander, US North America Air Defense Command, Commander, US Northern Command. While the main theme of his remarks touched on the modern hi-tech, stealth weapons and target-acquisition equipment, it’s still the individual that brings it all to bear on the enemy. The Admiral said when he speaks to middies who select aviation he reminds them that first and foremost is to remember the importance that leadership plays in the mix of things. CAPT Jim Joyner, USN (Ret), Commanding Officer HRANA presents ADM Gortney with a history book, “Mud Flats to Master Jet Base at NAS Oceana.” The event was held at the NAS Oceana/Dam Neck Shifting Sands Club in Virginia Beach. (Photo by Marshall Lefavor).
June 2016
The Battle of Midway was celebrated on June 2, 2016 at the Monument to Naval Aviation Park on the Virginia Beach oceanfront with the laying of a wreath by members of the Hampton Roads Association of Naval Aviation and other dignitaries. Guest speaker for the event was Norfolk Naval Museum historian Laura Orr. Attending the ceremonies was, from left, RADM Mark Gemmill, USN (Ret), PNCS Wayne Rogers, USN (Ret), CAPT Floyd Friesen, USN (Ret) CDR Carroll Bains, USN (Ret), VADM Ed Clexton, USN (Ret), CAPT Jim Joyner, USN (Ret) CO HRANA, RADM Jack Dantone, USN (Ret), and Dennis Key.
Become a Member
The only requirement for membership to ANA is to be interested in Naval Aviation. We have membership throughout the US, in the UK, France, Italy, Australia, Malta and several other countries. Complete a Membership Application if you are interested in joining.
Now, you can renew your membership or sign up a new member at:https://www.anahq.org/OnlineMembership.asp
Visit the Monument
The Hampton Roads Squadron of ANA invites you to visit the site that tells the story of our Naval Aviation heritage depicted through a series of sculptures, images and historical events that have helped preserve our American freedoms. Naval Aviation Monument Park is located at 25th Street and the ocean front. A public parking lot is located at 25th Street and Pacific Avenue, allowing easy access to the Park.
Click here for directions to the monument
Contribute To The Monument Fund
Plans are for Aviation Monument Park to continue to expand as we receive donations. To date, the cost has been $2 million. Consider becoming a sponsor of this magnificent project. Click on the link above to find out more information about sponsor opportunities.
Learn More
The Hampton Roads Squadron of ANA embarked on the Naval Aviation Monument Park project in 1997. The goal was to build a monument that would tell the local and national story and depict the various eras of Naval Aviation history.
A partnership was formed between the Hampton Roads Squadron of ANA Committee and the City of Virginia Beach.
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